Issue - meetings

Public Health response to COVID-19 Coronavirus

Meeting: 15/02/2022 - Health Policy and Performance Board (Item 37)

37 Public Health response to COVID-19 Coronavirus pdf icon PDF 68 KB


The Director of Public Health and Protection provided the Board with an update on the Public Health response to Covid-19 Coronavirus.  


The update and accompanying presentation included the most recent Covid-19 figures and data for Halton; how the Halton Outbreak Support Team (HOST) were working to successfully identify and manage local outbreaks; and gave details of the most recent information on testing and vaccination for people in Halton.


Responses to Members questions were given and the following additional information was provided:


·         It was accepted that not all people who tested positive reported this to the NHS but took it upon themselves to isolate and do the right thing;

·         Eventually the virus would move to an endemic stage and testing would cease for those without symptoms;

·         A booster vaccination was needed in order to prolong the protection period of two vaccinations and reduce the risk of serious illness and/or hospitalisation;

·         There was a plan to vaccinate vulnerable 5 to 11 year olds before the general population;

·         Deaths caused by the virus in Halton totalled 375 – a comparison with other boroughs’ would be included in a report at a future meeting; and

·         When the Government do eventually cease all restrictions, schools would be supported as they were now and be encouraged to continue with Covid learned behaviours and the use of PPE.


            RESOLVED:  That the update be received.