Issue - meetings

Internal Audit Progress Report

Meeting: 25/07/2018 - Audit and Governance Board (Item 9)

Internal Audit Progress Report

Additional documents:


The Board considered a report of the Divisional Manager, Audit, Procurement and Operational Finance, which provided Members with a summary of internal audit work completed since the last progress report in February 2018. The report also highlighted matters relevant to the Board’s responsibilities as the Council’s Audit Committee.


It was noted that a total of 22 Internal Audit reports had been finalised since the last progress report, and this figure included audits from both the 2017/18 and 2018/19 Audit Plans. An overall assurance opinion was provided for each audit engagement. It was reported that work was well underway on the 2018/19 Audit Plan, with approximately 24% of the total planned days for the year being completed.


There had been two changes to the work planned for the year and details of these and the reasons were set out in the report for Members’ information.


Work completed in Quarter 1 also included the annual audit undertaken for the Manchester Port Health Authority, which was reported directly to the Port Health Authority Board.


RESOLVED: That the update on progress against the 2018/19 Internal Audit Plan be received.