Issue - meetings

Adult Social Care Performance in the North West

Meeting: 18/06/2019 - Health Policy and Performance Board (Item 10)

10 Adult Social Care Performance in the North West pdf icon PDF 78 KB

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The Board received an overview of the North West Annual Performance Report for Adult Social Care (attached at appendix 1) which highlighted comparisons and key areas for focus for Halton.


In summary, the report provided an overview of key performance areas for adult social care, pulled together into a single dashboard; this data was also reported on a quarterly basis to the NWADASS sector led improvement board.  Members were advised that the use of the dashboard had been developed over the last two years, and provided the sector led improvement board with data and intelligence to challenge performance of individual authorities and enabled resources to be targeted, to support improvement according to what the data was saying.


Members noted that the Report was the year end benchmarking dashboard, and used only publically available data; but did include some locally developed indicators.  Also, it was noted that it was important that Halton not only monitored its own performance, but benchmarked against other North West local authorities, to ensure continued improvement in all service areas.


The report discussed the North West’s key performance areas, and Halton’s performance.   Members were pleased to see some improvements.  One Member requested to know the outcome of the task and finish group on direct payments; this would be forwarded. 


RESOLVED:  That the Board notes the contents of the report and associated Appendix.