Agenda and minutes

Executive Board Sub Committee - Thursday, 16th July, 2009 10.00 a.m.

Venue: Marketing Suite, Municipal Building. View directions

Contact: Caroline Halpin on 0151 471 7394 or e-mail 

No. Item




            The Minutes of the meetings held on 4 June and 18 June 2009 were taken as read and signed as a correct record.



Procurement of Externalised Print Services Preliminary Estimates Report pdf icon PDF 38 KB


The Board considered a report of the Executive Director – Corporate and Policy which stated that the existing arrangements for the Council’s printing requirements needed to be rationalised.  It was proposed that a formal tender process be undertaken to achieve improved value for money.  The report provided details of the estimated preliminary costs in accordance with Procurement Standing Order 2.1.


The Board was advised that print and copying requirements are currently fulfilled in a number of ways:-


a)         By accessing the in-house services offered by the print unit. The unit in effect provided a ‘copying’ service, producing committee papers; stationery (including pay slips); plus low quantity runs of leaflets, posters etc, where artwork was supplied;


b)         Where the requirement could not be accommodated in-house, the print unit offered a ‘print management’ service, supporting officers in the procurement of appropriate externalised print services; and


c)         Finally, officers procure print direct from a supplier of their choice.


An analysis in area (c ) showed that in one year, spend on externalised print services was in excess of £500,000 broken down by directorates and that the spend was currently spread over 92 separate external suppliers.


The  Board was also advised that there were no formal arrangements in place for the procurement of these externalised print services, which encouraged inconsistent pricing throughout the Council for similar products, diluted purchase spend from lack of aggregation and increased administration costs from the high volume of transaction activity.


The report dealt with the requirement to establish a corporate contract arrangement for the procurement of externalised print services, split across a series of lots to ensure fair competition and transparency for our whole supply community.


Arising from the discussion Members raised a number of questions regarding the process.  The Board agreed to defer the item in order to further explore a number issues. 




1)     The matter be deferred for clarification of  procurement options;


2)     and a further report be brought to a future meeting.






Astmoor & Halebank BIDS first year annual report pdf icon PDF 41 KB


The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director – Environment which summarised the first year finances and activities that had been carried out by the Astmoor and Halebank Business Improvement Districts (BIDs),


            The report outlined that Government legislated in the Local Government Act 2003 to allow partnerships between local authorities and the local business community to set up Business Improvement Districts (BIDs).  BIDs provided a means for local areas to develop and finance projects and services that would benefit localities such as town centres and industrial estates. This allowed businesses in a given area to lead on and develop their own unique area improvement plans, in addition to those provided by the local authority.


            The Board was advised that the proposals were subject to approval by a vote and were funded by a levy on businesses within the specified area. The levy was ring-fenced for the area to fund the extra services and improvements identified in the proposal. Each BID was operational for a maximum of five years before a new vote was taken. It was noted that the local authority had a statutory responsibility to support the development of BIDs and to facilitate their establishment.


            Outlined in the report were the activities carried out in Halebank and Astmoor including the financial details, infrastructure and reduction in crime figures, which demonstrated that the BID security services and the partnership with the Police were having a positive effect of crime on the estates.


            The Board had requested that an annual update on BIDs be provided summarising the first year finances and activities carried out on each estate.


             The Board noted the success of the Business Improvement Districts (BIDs) during the inaugural year, and the potential to use this model in other areas of the Borough.  However, the Board noted that the ability to develop a BID business plan and achieve a positive vote in a BID ballot for other areas in the Borough would require a financial investment from the Council, both in terms of staff resources and funding to pump prime the scheme.


RESOLVED: That the Board accept the first year progress report made by the Astmoor and Halebank Business improvement Districts.



Deansway Alleygating pdf icon PDF 29 KB

Additional documents:


The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director – Environment which sought approval to proceed with the making of a Gating Order for the footpath between Hale Road and Deansway, Widnes.


The Board was advised that a report had been presented to the Safer Halton Policy and Performance Board on 20 January 2009 on the receipt of a petition.  The report also set out the background to a request for alleygates at the footpath between Hale Road and Deansway, Widnes. The Board approved the following recommendation:-


(1)  That the residents be encouraged to submit diary sheets so that the nature, details, dates and times of the listed incidents can be recorded in a manner suitable as supporting evidence for the consideration in the possible making of a Gating Order; and


(2) That once the above is complete, the Operational Director (Highways,  Transportation and Logistics) make a decision whether or not to proceed with the advertising of a Gating Order in line with his delegated powers.


The Board was further advised that the Council’s policy and procedure, which required a Gating Order to be made prior to the erection of any gate on a public highway, had been adopted by the Executive Board on 21 June 2007. This stated that any objections received to a proposed Gating Order, following an advertising and notice procedure, should be referred to the Executive Board Sub Committee. Members of this Board should then decide whether to proceed with making the Order and erecting the gates or to request that a Public Inquiry be held.


In accordance with the procedure, the recommendation of the Safer Halton Policy and Performance Board, and based on the evidence provided by residents, the police and other departments, the Operational Director (Highways Transportation and Logistics) approved the advertising of a draft Order for the footpath between Deansway and Hale Road in April 2009. The schedule of the footpath and case for the Gating Order was attached in Appendix 2 to the report.


In addition, an objection to the Gating Order had also been received from one local resident. A copy of the objection was attached in Appendix 3 to the report. Members considered the objection carefully in considering whether to make the Order or request that a Public Inquiry be held.




(1)   A Gating Order for the footpath between Hale Road and Deansway, Widnes be made and gates erected to support the Order; and


(2) The objector be notified accordingly.


MINUTES ISSUED: 4 August 2009

CALL IN:  12 August 2009

Any matter decided by the Executive Board Sub Committee may be called in no later than 12 2009.