Agenda item

NHS Halton Clinical Commissioning Group - Progress on Authorisation


The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Communities which informed the Members of the progress of Halton Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) towards authorisation as a statutory organisation as established by the Health and Social Care Act 2012.


The Board was advised that the Clinical Commissioning Group authorisation: Draft guide for applicants, published in April 2012, had set out the process by which applications from CCGs would be accepted in four waves between July and November 2012. The NHS Commissioning Board (NHS CB) had agreed that NHS Halton CCG was in the third authorisation wave from October 2012.


The Board was further advised that as part of the authorisation process NHS Halton CCG had been required to undertake a 360° Stakeholder Survey.  The stakeholder survey which was undertaken by Ipsos MORI was an important part of the CCG authorisation assessment methodology. It was reported that one of the specific stakeholders who the CCG had included in the survey was the Health Policy and Performance Board as represented by the Chair.


It was reported that the survey returns had indicated that stakeholders were generally very positive about the engagement that had taken place with NHS Halton CCG to date. The vast majority were also satisfied with the way in which this had been done so far and working relationships also appeared to be strong. In addition, it was reported that a large majority of stakeholders were positive about the leadership of NHS Halton CCG.


Furthermore, it was reported that the submission of evidence to the NHS CB, had included the outcomes of the 360° Stakeholder Survey, and this would be followed by a desk top review which would be undertaken in advance of a site visit by an assessment team.  The assessment team would be visiting NHS Halton CCG on 20th November 2012.


It was also reported that NHS Halton CCG was in the process of appointing an in-house management and commissioning support team.  The Chief Officer Designate had been appointed on 13th August 2012 and the Chief Finance Officer shortly after.  The remaining roles would be recruited by mid-November 2012.  Arrangements were also being made with Merseyside Commissioning Support Unit (MCSU) for additional support to enable the CCG to deliver statutory and other duties.  Existing arrangements for integrated working and co-production with Halton Borough Council would also be built upon.


In conclusion, it was reported that NHS Halton CCG had recruited four Lay Members, one of whom would be Deputy Chair.  These Lay Members had started with NHS Halton CCG on 1 October 2012.  NHS Halton CCG would still need to recruit a registered nurse and a secondary care doctor to the Governing Body.  The lay members were as follows:-


·       Mr Bob Bryant

·       Ingrid Fythe;

·       David Austin; and

·       David Merrill.


The following comments arose from the discussion:-


Clarity was sought on whether the lay members lived or worked in Halton. In addition, concern was raised that if they did not live in the area, they would be making decisions on funding on an area that they did not live in or were familiar with.  In response, it was reported that one member did not live in the Halton area.  However, the Board were assured that the recruitment process had been rigorous, fair and transparent and the member concerned would have a positive impact.


RESOLVED: That the content of the report and the progress being made towards the authorisation of Halton CCG be noted.






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