Agenda item

Learning Disability Partnership Board - Annual Self-Assessment Report 2011/12


The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Communities which presented the Halton Learning Disabilities Partnership Board Annual Self Assessment Report 2010-11 and outlined the process involved prior to its submission to the Learning Disabilities Observatory.


The Board was advised that the Learning Disabilities Partnership Board Annual Self-Assessment Report had been introduced in 2009/10.  It was reported that the Improving Health and Lives: Learning Disabilities Observatory was collating the 2011/12 assessments on behalf of the Department of Health and would publish the response on its website. 


It was also reported that the national and regional infrastructure to ensure progress in delivering Valuing People had ended in 2011 local authorities were continuing to support the work of the North West Training and Development Team to promote the rights of people with learning disabilities and share good practice across the region.


The Board was further advised that the self assessment had been completed by relevant officers of the Council and senior managers of NHS Halton & St Helens. Members of the Partnership Board, including senior officers, elected members, people with learning disabilities and family carers had also had the opportunity to comment on and amend the report prior to its formal sign off by the Co-Chairs, and representatives for family carers and adults with learning disabilities.


In conclusion, it was reported that the self assessment had been submitted to the Learning Disabilities Observatory by the 7th September deadline and a copy was attached as Appendix 1 to the report.


The following comments arose from the discussion:-


·       It was noted that the Country Gardens Project was excellent and it was suggested that Members of the Board be invited to visit other projects i.e. The Brewery.  In response, it was reported that Members who wished to visit other projects should pass their details to the Chairman who would make the necessary arrangements;


·       Page 190 – Action 1 and 2 – it was suggested that we needed to do things differently to help us to communicate better with people with learning disabilities which would help them to communicate better with us.  It was also suggested that funding be made available to help us to communicate more effectively;


·       The Board noted the positive impact Leah and Laura had on the public event held on Friday.  They had emphasised that people try to do everything what is best for them, but it was important to listen to them and not to make any decisions without consulting them; and


·       Page 192 – Critical Health Needs – clarity was sought on how this was recorded and monitored.  In response, it was reported that Learning Disability Nurses were currently undertaking a quality audit so the information was unavailable at this time.  There was more information on themes emerging from the health checks i.e. eye tests which were being monitored and also being linked in with independent providers to ensure any plans that were developed were actually working to improve and individuals health.  Checks were also taken with the quality assurance team and with the individual.  In addition, it was reported that role of GP services was to identify which practices were providing health checks and what the uptake had been.  How health checks generally were being taken up and how specifically with learning and vulnerable groups.


RESOLVED: That the report and comments raised be noted.

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