Agenda item

Performance Management Reports, Quarter 1 2013–14


The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Policy and Resources, which introduced, through the submission of a structured thematic performance report, the progress of key performance indicators, milestones and targets relating to health in Quarter 1 of 2013-14. This included a description of factors which were affecting the service.


The following questions were submitted prior to the meeting:-



1        Page 40 Warrington & Halton Hospitals, were successful in their bid for Dementia Care scheme funding £1,053,322, and plan to redesign an existing ward and a new garden area, my questions are:-


1)      What is the total estimated costs for this project?

2)   What will be done with any funding not spent on the project?




Simon Wright advises that the bid was for £1,053,322 and the cost is for the bid submitted – the full capital cost


2       Page 45 Carers.  What exactly is a pooled budget? And what are the contributions from the various providers? Have carers centres got capacity to carryout assessments? and are they also going to carryout annual reviews of assessments?




Both Halton Borough Council & Halton CCG are funding work on around the carers agenda. This year Halton Borough Council are investing £509,640 and Halton CCG £358,943. A total of £868,583. Both organisations have agreed to combine their funding to achieve the aims of the Carers Strategy.


A ‘task and finish’ group with membership from the Carers Centre and Adult Social Care and chaired by the Divisional Manager Mental Health, is currently reviewing carers assessments.


3        Page 115 E-Learning. How is e-learning evaluated? How do you assess knowledge learned or gained?




At the end of the Dementia e-learning module the employee completes an evaluation questionnaire regarding their learning experience. To ensure that the employee has met the learning outcome an assessment is undertaken with a pass rate of 80%. Each employee shall then discuss their learning with line manager to ensure a transfer of knowledge into working practice.


The following questions/comments were raised at the meeting:-


·             It was noted that carers would not be disadvantaged by the pooled budget and the direct payment system and consultation on this matter would take place at a very early stage. It was also noted that pooled budgets were complex and a report would be presented to the Board for discussion in the future;


·             Page 44, regarding all surgeries receiving a letter, it was noted that some surgeries had not.  In response, it was reported that only six surgeries had been identified to be the key surgeries for the pilot.  It was agreed that the details of the six surgeries would be circulated to all Members; and


·             Page 45 – It was noted that the four homes were St Lukes in Widnes, Beechcorft and Halton Lodge missing one Damian.  It was reported that the project was looking at how care homes were commissioned, what was commissioned and how it could be improved. It was noted that some homes worked better than others, i.e. they had better equipment, pharmacy support and prescriptions of medications etc.  It was also reported that progress reports would be presented to the Board.


RESOLVED: that the report and comments raised be noted.


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