Agenda item

Protocol for Considering Requests for Financial Assistance


The Forum received a report which set out the criteria for applications for financial assistance and the procedure to be followed.


Members were advised that the General Schools Contingency was the sum delegated to schools.  Halton schools had agreed that this sum be de-delegated and managed centrally.  The present budget was £351,454.  It was noted that the carry forward balance from the Central DSG budgets had also been used to support requests for additional assistance by schools.  


The Forum was advised that the funding should only be used in the following circumstances:


·       Exceptional unforeseen costs which it would be unreasonable to expect governing bodies to meet;

·       Schools in financial difficulties; and

·       Additional costs relating to new, reorganised or closing schools.


Further, applications could be considered by Schools Forum under the following circumstances:


1.     Schools in financial difficulty that wished to apply for a licenced deficit (the procedure for applying for a licenced deficit was attached to the report at Appendix A);

2.     Schools in financial difficulty, unable to access a licence deficit, applying for a deficit write off;

3.     Formula error and other miscellaneous costs which schools could not be expected to fund from their own budget;

4.     Additional costs relating to new, re-organised or closing schools (which could include the costs of any salary protection);

5.     Emergencies and exceptional unforeseen costs where it would be unreasonable to expect governing bodies to meet;

6.     Schools in special measures or where there were serious weaknesses;

7.     Result of former poor leadership and management for a school which was now under new leadership; and

8.     Significant loss of goods or equipment.


The report then advised that the procedure for applying for additional funding from the contingency was:


1.     Schools must put a formal request for support in writing to the Operational Director – Children’s Organisation and Provision, Children and Enterprise Directorate;

2.     Schools must state clearly how they had met the eligibility criteria;

3.     Schools must provide clear details (and financial values) of the circumstances underlying the application, the amount of contingency they were applying for and the rationale for the amount requested;

4.     Applications could be made at any time during the year;

5.     Urgent requests would be considered and determined by a sub group of the Schools Forum, the outcome would be reported to the next Schools Forum meeting;


6.     The Headteacher of the school applying for funding may be asked to attend Schools Forum to explain their application and answer any queries;

7.     Schools would be notified of the outcome of the Schools Forum decision within 5 working days of the meeting.


Members discussed the procedures for applying for funding mentioned above and suggested that more background information should be submitted with an application, to assist the Forum to make a decision.  Specific details around evidence of the need for supply teachers and best value evidence were given as examples.  It was also suggested that a pro forma / check list be compiled so that it could be referred to by the Forum when making a decision. 


The importance of using sub groups for determining financial assistance requests was also discussed.  It was noted that due to the timing of requests, it was not always possible to wait for the next Schools Forum meeting, so therefore a sub group, made up of volunteers, would be required.  It was agreed that a sub group should be no less than 3 members of the Schools Forum and no more than 5 members.  The sub group would also require delegated powers to make a decision on behalf of the Schools Forum.  This was noted and agreed by members.


RESOLVED:  That Schools Forum


1.     approve the proposed criteria for funding assistance;

2.     agree to adopt the proposed procedures; and

3.     agree to the introduction of a pro-forma/checklist to accompany applications for financial assistance.














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