Agenda item

Presentation: Mischief Night


The Board received a presentation from Mr J Unsworth, Divisional Manager, Waste and Environmental Improvement on the planning and proposed operation of initiatives being delivered to reduce incidents of anti-social behaviour and unauthorised fires on mischief night and in the period up to bonfire night.


The Board was advised that each year, the Safer Halton Partnership delivered a number of activities to reduce incidents of unauthorised bonfires and other forms of anti-social behaviour during the period covering ‘Mischief Night’ and ‘Bonfire Night’. This included preventative measures, diversionary activity and the ‘Bonfire Removal Initiative’ which set out to improve community safety by removing unauthorised and uncontrolled bonfires before they are ignited, and which had been successfully operating in Halton since 1999. As part of the Partnership’s efforts to reduce environmental nuisance and anti-social behaviour during this period, education and community safety messages were also delivered across the Borough, and information was directly delivered to households in known ‘hot spot’ areas.


The presentation:-


·             Set out the Partners objectives – to reduce the impact on anti social behaviour on the community of Halton on key nights during the period covering Mischief Night and Bonfire night;


·             Explained that Partners met and established action plans, looked at the issues and how they would be addressed based on historical practice and intelligence;


·             Explained that there was a number of key themes one of which was prevention and the bonfire initiative had been pioneered in Halton in 2000 and had subsequently been adopted by other Local Authoroties;


·             Highlighted the prevention activity – the bonfire removal initiative which cleared bonfire materials and waste debris; which was funded by CST, HBC and RSL’s; which targeted known historical ‘black spot’ areas; which was in operation from Monday 27 October to Friday 7 November 2014 and that 19 unauthorised bonfires had been removed in 2013;


·             Outlined that the key aim was to reduce and prevent risk; prevent the use of a fire appliance attending and prevent the negative effect on the local environment and the associated costs in open spaces;


·             Detailed other preventative activities – foot patrols on key ‘problem estates to reduce anti social behaviour; estate walk-abouts looking for potential ‘hot spots’ or problems, visits to retailers, direct engagement with households regarding wheeled bins and erecting fencing on bonfire night at problem locations;


·             Highlighted the publicity and promotional campaigns and direct engagement to educate the community and raise awareness of the issues i.e. the schools poster competition;


·             Set out the diversionary activities – youth distraction activities;


·             Highlighted that there was an increase in the number of people attending the firework display every year;


·             Explained the reassurance given, the clear undertaken with multi agency clean up vehicles, the safe HUB for staff and how CCTV was monitored on operation nights; and


·             Detailed the successful outcomes re the reduction in criminal damage and anti social behaviour and the significant reduction in fire incidents on 30/31 October and 5/6 November for 2012 and 2013.


The following comments arose from the discussion:-


·             The Board congratulated all concerned on the success of the initiative to date, highlighting that everything possible was being done to protect people during the crucial periods;


·             The significant progress that had been made in reducing anti social behaviour and criminal damage since the initiative had been established in 2000 was noted;


·             The activities taking place over the last 3 months to address the unauthorised selling of fireworks was noted; and


·             Clarity was sought on whether Members could be involved in some of the activities on mischief night.  In response, it was reported that consideration would have to be given to the health and safety implications for Members and it would not be possible for all Members to participate. However, it was reported that Members could register their interest via email to Mr M Andrews;




(1)        the presentation and comments raised be noted; and


(2)        Mr Unsworth be thanked for his informative presentation.



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