Agenda item

- 17/00194/FUL - Full planning permission for 9200 sq metre industrial unit for B1, B2 and B8 use including new access of A533 on land between Aston Fields Road and Northwich Road, Runcorn


The consultation procedure undertaken was outlined in the report together with background information in respect of the site.


Following the Officer’s presentation, the following updates were noted:


·       a full impact assessment had now been received regarding associated ecological implications and the numbers of trees that would be lost;

·       the Council’s Open Spaces Officer had confirmed that he raised no objection subject to adequate mitigation for the loss of trees as outlined in the update;

·       the applicant would submit a bat survey prior to the felling of any trees which would be secured by condition; and

·       a further condition was recommended requiring the development to be carried out in accordance with the Aboricultural Impact Assessment and tree protection measures within it.


Clarity was also provided to Members over queries relating to the impact of the development on the proposed Junction 11a and HGV access to the site from the nearest roundabout on the A533.  It was confirmed that Highways England had been consulted on the proposal and raised no objections. 


RESOLVED:  That the application be approved subject to the additional conditions discussed above and conditions relating to the following:


1.     Standard 3 year timescale for commencement of development;

2.     Specifying approved and amended plans;

3.     Requiring submission and agreement of a Construction Environmental Management Plan;

4.     Materials condition(s) requiring the submission and approval of the materials to be used with the exception of external cladding and brick which shall be carried out as approved (BE2);

5.     Landscaping condition, requiring submission and approval both hard and soft landscaping (BE1/2);

6.     Submission and agreement of boundary treatment including retaining walls (BE2);

7.     Construction and delivery hours to be adhered to throughout the course of the development (BE1);

8.     Vehicle access, parking, servicing etc to be constructed prior to occupation of properties / commencement of use (BE1);

9.     Grampian style planning condition relating to off-site tree management to include selective felling/pruning and replanting (BE1);

10. Requiring submission and agreement of cycle parking details (TP6);

11. Requiring submission and agreement of electric vehicle parking and charging point(s) details (NPPF);

12. Requiring retention of the approved overflow car park for the life of the use (TP12);

13. Conditions relating to further detailed site investigation / mitigation / verification (PR14/15);

14. Conditions relating to / requiring submission and agreement of detailed foul surface water / highway drainage scheme including attenuation (BE1 / PR5);

15. Requiring submission and agreement of a green travel plan (TP16);

16. Requiring submission and agreement of site and finished floor levels with finished floor levels to be a minimum of 300 mm above estimated flood levels (BE1);

17. Submission and agreement of Site Waste Management Plan (WM8);

18. Submission and agreement of a sustainable waste Management plan (WM9);

19. Requiring submission and agreement of a car park management plan (Tp12);

20. Requiring submission and agreement of entrance feature detail (BE2);

21. Submission of a bat survey prior to the felling of any trees; and

22. A condition requiring the development to be carried out in accordance with the Aboricultural Impact Assessment and tree protection measures within it.