Agenda item

Halton Family Hubs


The Board received a report from the Executive Director, Children, which gave an update on the progress of Halton’s Family Hubs and the next steps.


The Government’s 2019 Manifesto pledged to champion Family Hubs across England.  In December 2020, the Minister for Children outlined plans to create a national Centre of Excellence for Family Hubs, funded by the Department for Education (DfE).  The Best Start for Life Review: A Vision for the 1001 Critical days, outlined a programme of work to ensure the best support during those crucial first 1001 days, setting babies up to maximise their potential for lifelong emotional and physical wellbeing.


It was announced in April 2022 that 75 local authorities would become pilot areas for the Family Hubs and Best Start for Life schemes and Halton had been selected for this. 


The Board was advised that since December 2022 the Council had been working hard to develop the Family Hub Model and the presentation outlined the journey so far in the development of these, as well as the challenges faced over the past year; achievements reached; and how they were making a difference.


In response to questions the following additional information was provided:


·         The Family Hubs were a universal offer for children and young people in the Borough aged 0-19 or 25 with SEND;

·         It was commented that the benefits of the Programme could be long term as it would help with the prevention of children entering the care system for example – officers had already seen results as referrals to specialist targeted parenting programmes had reduced, as a result of more people accessing at a lower level;

·         The costs of capital projects had increased recently and these would be raised with the North West delivery lead this week;

·         25,000 young people had used the Hubs so far, and 130 new referrals were being seen each month across the Borough;

·         Outcomes of the Family Hubs were reported back to a control group in Government, to demonstrate the programmes were working;

·         The demographics of the Family Hubs was not a barrier to residents as they could visit any, and all residents had the same opportunity to access the services offered – if the demand for a service existed in a particular Hub it would be provided there;

·         The digital offer would be improved as a new system was being procured; and

·         The Family Hubs were also focussing on increasing access for fathers so that all family members could benefit from the services.


The Family Hubs were located in Runcorn at Halton Lodge Children’s Centre, Windmill Hill Children’s Centre and Brookvale Community Centre, with a satellite site at Halton Brook Learning Centre.  Widnes Family Hubs were located at Kingsway Community Centre, Ditton Community Centre and Warrington Road Children’s Centre, with a satellite site at Upton Community Centre. 


Overall Members were pleased to hear the success of the Family Hubs to date and would welcome a further update as the Programme develops.


RESOLVED:  That the Board receives the presentation.

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