Agenda item



The Board considered two reports of the Strategic Director, Children and Young People which


(1)          provided a framework to consider and discuss Members involvement in the planning, monitoring and evaluation of the priorities for the Children and Young People’s Directorate; and


(2)          gave Members an opportunity to contribute to the development of Service plans at the beginning of the planning process.


In this respect, the Board received a presentation which:-


·        Set out the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle in respect of the Children and Young People’s Directorate;


·        Explained the process for service planning, how priorities were set, the legislation and national guidance, the strategic vision and political direction, performance management and recommendations from external scrutiny;


·        The key challenges within the various services as follows:-


Universal and Learning Services


Narrowing the Gap for Vulnerable Groups;

Improve Outcomes at Foundation Stage;

Improve Outcomes at Primary Level;

Improve Outcomes at Secondary Level; and

Improve Outcomes Post 16.


Preventative Services


Strengthen processes enabling earlier intervention to address needs in children and families;

Reduce NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training) and improve the employability of our young people;

Reduce teen conception rates; and

Reduce levels of anti-social behaviour.


Specialist Services


Employment opportunities for Care Leavers;

Placement choice for Children In Care (CiC);

Increasing numbers of Children in Need (CiN); and

Safeguarding processes.


Business Support and Commissioning Services


Resource Management;

Workforce Development;

Joint Intelligence and Commissioning; and

Transforming Learning.


At the end of the presentation each Member of the Board indicated their three priority areas for development or improvement for inclusion in the draft plans. The Operational Directors would develop the draft plans for consideration by the Board at a Special Meeting to be arranged in January/February 2009.


The Board was advised that the Primary Care Trust had guaranteed maintaining the same level of support and funding in future years to Children’s Services.


Haltons Children’s Trust Performance Model was highlighted and explained to the Board.  The model set out the two separate levels of accountability, population and performance.  It was highlighted that the focus of the Board would be in the lower half of the model, performance.


The Chairman indicated that a small performance management group  (approximately five Members of the Board) could be established to meet on a regular basis to look at performance management.  The group would feedback to the Board and any issues/concerns could also be considered at a Special Meeting in order to focus the debate.  Nominations for the group would be invited in the new year.


It was suggested that the 88 performance indicators that were relevant to the remit of the Board be compiled and split into population and performance and circulated to Members.




(1)    the progress to date on the strategies for planning, monitoring and evaluating outcomes and the cycle of strategic processes be noted:


(2)    that a Special Meeting be arranged in January / February 2009 to consider the draft service plans; and


(3)    the 88 performance indicators that are relevant to the remit of the Board be split into population and performance and circulated to Members.




Supporting documents: