Agenda item

Review of Direct Payments Policy and Procedure


            The Sub Committee received a report of the Strategic Director, Health and Community with an update on consultation events held across the Borough and which sought approval for the proposed changes to the draft Direct Payments Policy and Procedure for Adult Social Care. 


It was noted that following a presentation to the Healthy Halton Policy and Performance Board (PPB) on 10th June 2008, Executive Board Sub Committee approved a number of changes to the Direct Payment Policy & Procedure on 25th July 2008 and agreed that these should be subject to public consultation. These were outlined in detail in the appendix to the report.


            Members were advised that the Healthy Halton Policy and Performance Board received a further report on 13th January 2009 and considered the options set out in the report. There was a consensus of support for Option 3, implementation of proposed changes by October 2009. The PPB noted that this would also offer a reasonable period of time for officers and people affected by the changes to work together to implement any necessary changes. 


            Members were further advised that Halton Borough Council’s Direct Payment rates for 2008/9 were:


2008/9 RATES


 Personal Assistant (PA)










            Currently, there were no criteria for assessing which level of hourly rate service users should be receiving. Therefore, a review was undertaken to establish current best practice, aiming for a greater degree of equity and consistency in how rates were applied across all service user groups.


Members were further advised that implementation of the criteria would introduce consistency both in relation to all community care packages arranged by Care Managers and those purchased via DP’s, as well as ensuring FACS criteria eligibility would be applied. Additionally, comparability would be maintained against our nearest neighbour Local Authorities. 


In addition consultation on changes to the policy for Direct Payment Service users had been undertaken in October and November 2008 for existing and potential future Direct Payment service users and residents of Halton. All current direct payment service users were sent a copy of a survey form to complete and seven presentations/ open forums were held in locations across the Borough so that people could come to talk to officers about the proposals and make their views known.


The appendix to the report summarised the comments made by Direct Payment service users, their carers and potential future recipients of Direct Payments.


The results of the survey were considered as regards to the impact and the introduction of the proposed eligibility criteria would have on new and existing service users and the direct payment rate paid now for new service users and for existing service users. A number of options for Members to consider were outlined in the report.  


            RESOLVED: That


(1)       the findings of the consultation process held on Direct Payments Policy and Procedural changes for Adult Social Care (Appendix 1) be noted;

(2)       the Direct Payments policy and procedure (Appendix 2) be amended as follows as set out below to: -


(a)   to introduce eligibility criteria to determine the rate at which Direct Payments (DP) will be set, based on current good practice  (Appendix 3);


(b)   to reflect the changes introduced by the Mental Capacity Act 2005, with additional detail on capacity;


(c)   to reflect the growth in Personal Assistants (PAs) and, if required, include payroll charges in the set-up costs, and annually thereafter as a supplement to be paid to the service user if required, when employing a PAs from 01.04.2009.


(3)       Option 3 as set out in section 5.2 of the report be approved.

Supporting documents: