Register of interests

Councillor Phil Harris

I Councillor Phil Harris a Member of Halton Borough Council give notice that I have the following Disclosable Pecuniary Interests

1. Employment, Office, Trade, Profession or Vocation
Councillor Partner
Currently Unemployed Not applicable
2. Sponsorship
Councillor Partner
None Not applicable
3. Contracts
Councillor Partner
None None
4. Land
Councillor Partner
31 Ridsdale Road, Widnes WA8 8XX Not applicable
Tenant of Halton Housing -
5. Licences
Councillor Partner
None Not applicable
6. Corporate Tenancies
Councillor Partner
None Not applicable
7. Securities
Councillor Partner
None Not applicable
8. Other Disclosable Interests
Member of Cheshire Fire Authority
Community Governor of Ormiston Chadwick Academy
Member of Labour Party
Unite the Union
Association of Labour Councillors
Trustee of Widnes Working Together Environmental Charity (Voluntary)
Member of Liverpool City Region Climate Change Partnership and Portfolio Holders Group (LCR) Climate Change
9. To the best of my knowledge, the information given in this form is complete and correct
Councillor Date
Phil Harris 7 May 2018; 7 May 2021; 21 September 2021; 6 May 2022
10. This declaration has been registed by me, the Monitoring Officer
Monitoring Officer Date
Mark Reaney 9 May 2018; 7 May 2021; 21 September 2021; 11 May 2022