Decision details

Joint Health & Wellbeing Strategy and Report

Decision Maker: Children Young People and Families Policy and Performance Board

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


            The Board received a report of the Director of Public Health, which presented Halton’s Health and Wellbeing Strategy.  It was noted that the Health and Wellbeing Board (HWB) had been working on the development of the Strategy for Halton which involved gathering and analysing information and intelligence from a variety of sources.


            It was reported that the analysis produced a comprehensive list of health and wellbeing needs for Halton. The list was then prioritised in a transparent way by the HWB through the use of a 5 Prioritisation Framework.  This enabled the Board to agree 5 priorities for the next 12 months as follows:


·         prevention and early detection of cancer;

·         improved child development;

·         reduction in the number of falls in adults;

·         reduction in the harm from alcohol; and

·         prevention and early detection of mental health conditions.


It was further noted that the priorities would be reviewed and either continued or changed depending on progress.  Following agreement of the priorities a draft Health and Wellbeing Strategy was developed and was approved by the HWB on 12 September.  The Strategy was appended to the report for information along with details of how the priorities would be taken forward.


Arising from discussion of the report the following points were noted:


·         a more systematic approach was being taken to tackling health in Halton with a much more integrated approach including GP’s and Clinical Commissioning Groups, Local Area Forums and Local Wellbeing Areas;

·         in relation to early detection and prevention of cancer, a strategy searching for genetic markers was being investigated;

·         work was being carried out with the Police as part of the alcohol harm reduction group, tobacco control and trading standards;

·         the effect the local environment had on people’s health in terms of factories and increased traffic;

·         quantitative and qualitative data was used to structure and produce the strategies;

·         the effect of the economic climate and further cutbacks to services could have on mental health figures in the borough.


RESOLVED: That the report and the Health and Wellbeing Strategy be noted.


Report author: Doreen Prendergast

Publication date: 10/12/2012

Date of decision: 29/10/2012

Decided at meeting: 29/10/2012 - Children Young People and Families Policy and Performance Board

Accompanying Documents: