Decision details

2 x Eclipse Systems Analysts

Decision Maker: Chief Executive

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Due to the scale, depth and volume of change and improvement required with the Eclipse case management system to support the improvement journey and transformation redesign, there is a need to increase capacity within the ICT Eclipse Team. Systems Analysts have been identified as required to enable robust work around training materials, process mapping, systems requirements gathering and supporting developers and the service to ensure fit for purpose, efficient, high quality case management recording and business intelligence supports robust management of cases, in turn, outcomes for children in Halton.
They will work with ICT and service colleagues ensuring the changes to the system align to the strategic redesign vision in the most efficient manner whilst ensuring that the system provides the data needed for other corporate services and teams ie. Finance, Placements, Commissioning and Internal Audit.

Background documents:
ILACS Inspection Report July 2024
Presentation to Executive Team August 2024
Presentation to Labour Group August 2024

Reasons for the decision:

Existing resources has been evaluated to provide this support, however, capacity and availability has meant that this is not an option to achieve the scale and pace required.

Alternative options considered:

Existing resources has been evaluated to provide this support, however, capacity and availability has meant that this is not an option to achieve the scale and pace required.

Publication date: 14/10/2024

Date of decision: 05/09/2024