Sci-Tech Daresbury – Project Violet Phase 2 - Key Decision
The Board considered a report of the
Executive Director – Environment and Regeneration, which provided an update on
the proposed next phase of delivery and funding arrangements at Sci-Tech Daresbury and the Investment Zone initiative. The report
sought approval in principle to utilise the Enterprise Zone Tax Incremental
Financing mechanism to support the viability gap for Project Violet Phase 2 and
also to provide an equity contribution to the Joint Venture to delivery Project
Violet Phase 2.
Reason(s) for Decision
A decision
is required to enable the Council to progress the necessary legal and funding
agreements for Project Violet which include use of the Enterprise Zone TIF
Borrowing Mechanism.
Alternative Options Considered and Rejected
A number of
alternative funding arrangements have been explored; however there is currently
no commercial market to fund a speculative development at Sci-Tech
Grant funding has been explored, but were not appropriate funding mechanisms at this point for a variety of reasons, including timescales and eligibility.
Reflecting its status as a designated Enterprise Zone, it is envisaged that a TIF mechanism, based on Public Works Loan Board (PWLB) borrowing against future business rates growth, will play a critical role in addressing barriers to the delivery of the masterplan.
Implementation Date
Subject to
further due diligence, the project will continue to be developed through to
procurement and the borrowing is likely to be required during 2024.
1) the report be noted; and
2) the Board approve in principle the funding strategy for Project Violet Phase 2 outlined in the report, subject to the completion of the necessary due diligence.