Issue - meetings

Full Cost Clients in Residential Care

Meeting: 16/01/2025 - Executive Board (Item 81)

Full Cost Clients in Residential Care - Key Decision

Additional documents:


          The Board considered a report of the Executive Director – Adult Services, which sought approval to amend the current practice in relation to contracting on behalf of self-funders in residential care. The Council would still complete assessment and provide information and advice for self-funders, in line with its obligations under the Care Act 2014 but it would no longer contract with residential care providers on behalf of self-funders.


          It was noted that in limited circumstances the Council would act as a broker for self-funder however an arrangement fee would be charged.


Reason(s) for Decision


Board approval was required to reconsider existing arrangements in relation to the Council contracting with care homes on behalf of self-funders.


Alternative Options Considered and Rejected




Implementation Date


1 April 2025.


          RESOLVED: That the Council amends its practice in relation to contracting on behalf of self-funders in residential care, as outlined at 3.9-3.11.