Issue - meetings

Consideration of OFSTED Annual Performance Assessment (APA) of Service to Children in Halton

Meeting: 15/01/2009 - Executive Board (Item 91)

91 OFSTED Annual Performance Assessment (APA) of Services to Children and Young People in Halton - KEY DECISION pdf icon PDF 26 KB

Additional documents:


The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director – Children and Young People regarding the outcome of the statutory Annual Performance Assessment (APA) of Children’s Services in Halton undertaken by OFSTED. The APA had been published on 17th December 2008 and was attached to the report at Appendix 1 for Members’ information. The APA drew on evidence from fieldwork undertaken by OFSTED including School Inspections; the Joint Area Review conducted in 2008; the Children and Young People’s Plan; and other inspectorates’ findings, along with the Council’s own self-assessment.


The assessment had graded the Council in seven key areas ranging from 4 (outstanding) to 1 (inadequate). The gradings that the Council had received were outlined for the Board’s consideration together with the findings of the inspectors in relation to:


  • being healthy;
  • staying safe;
  • enjoying and achieving;
  • making a positive contribution;
  • achieving economic well-being; and
  • capacity to improve/service management.


In conclusion, Halton’s performance had been particularly impressive in that four grades of “outstanding” had been achieved in Safeguarding; Enjoying and Achieving; Making a Positive Contribution; and Capacity to Improve. The Board noted that Halton was the only Council in the North West to achieve this. However, given recent events of Haringey and specifically the circumstances surrounding the death of Baby P, it was noted that the Council continued to develop its services ensuring that they remained fit for purpose, particularly in the field of child protection. With this in mind, at the request of the Chief Executive, work was underway to review services for vulnerable children and young people and their families and how the Council continued to best meet their needs and a report was to be submitted to the Executive Board with recommendations for further improvements in working practices in due course.


It was noted that the Strategic Director – Children and Young People and the Children and Young People Portfolio Holder were also accountable for some services that they did not directly run, such as those impacting on children and young people’s mortality rates. In relation to this, the Board was advised that the Primary Care Trust had agreed to carry out all its commissioning within the framework of the Children’s Trust that Councillor McInerney chaired.


The Portfolio Holder, Members and relevant staff were thanked for their hard work, professionalism and commitment in securing a massive improvement in Children’s Services throughout the Borough.


Reason for Decision


            Statutory reporting process.


Alternative Options Considered and Rejected


            Not applicable.


Implementation Date




RESOLVED: That the performance ratings arising from the Annual Performance Assessment of services to Children and Young People in Halton undertaken by OFSTED be noted.