Issue - meetings

Decision on the Pre-Statutory Consultation of the proposal to close Halton High School

Meeting: 03/12/2009 - Executive Board (Item 74)

74 School Organisation - Consultation on the Closure of Halton High - KEY DECISION

Additional documents:


   The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director Children and Young People, on the consultation arrangements on the proposed closure of Halton High School on 31 August 2010.


            The Board was advised that, during consultation on future secondary provision, it had been agreed that Halton High School would be developed as an Academy. This meant that the school would need to be discontinued and the school organisation process completed so that the Funding Agreement could be signed off in February 2010.


            The Board was further advised that the consultation had commenced on 5 November 2009 and closed on Monday 30 November 2009.  The consultation proposal had been widely advertised with details sent to parents of pupils at Halton High, a range of other stakeholders including trade unions, and Halton Schools.  Copies of the proposal were also placed in the local Children’s Centres and the library and the meetings had been advertised in the local press, placed on the Building Schools for the Future (BSF) website and on the electronic children and young people’s circular.


            In addition four consultation events had been held in Halton High School on 12 November 2009 for staff, governors and the public.  A further consultation event had been held at Castlefield’s Community Centre on 4 November 2009.


            It was reported that the notes of the meetings had been placed on the website and a copy had been provided to the school and the sponsor for their information.


            In conclusion, it was highlighted that the proposal had been well received and there had been no opposition.  In addition, the Authority received four feedback forms supporting the proposal, one of which was from the Chair of Governors of Halton High School.


Reasons for Decision

To provide more choice and diversity and retain pupils within the Borough.


Alternative Options considered and Rejected:


Not applicable.


Implementation Date:


The decision needed to be made on 3 December 2009 so that statutory consultation could commence on 10 December 2009.




(1)         the commencement of the Statutory Consultation to close Halton High School on 31 August 2010 to allow the development of an Academy be approved, subject to consideration of any further representations received prior to the end of the consultation period; and


(2)         this decision be excluded from the call-in procedure, as immediate action was required so that the Statutory Consultation could commence on 10 December 2009.