Issue - meetings

Decision on the Statutory Consultation to close Halton High School

Meeting: 28/01/2010 - Executive Board (Item 79)

79 Decision on the Statutory Consultation to close Halton High School -KEY DECISION pdf icon PDF 29 KB

Additional documents:


            The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Children and Young People, on the outcome of the consultation on the closure of Halton High School.


            The Board were reminded that, during consultation on future secondary provision in Halton, it was agreed that Halton High School be developed as an Academy. The proposal would mean that, subject to the successful completion of the current feasibility project and agreement of the Secretary of State, Halton Academy would open on 1 September 2010. The Lead sponsor and Co-sponsor were the Ormiston Trust and the University of Chester respectively.


            Following the decision of the Board on 3 December 2009, Statutory Consultation commenced on 10 December 2009 and the representation period ended on 21 January 2010. A total of nine responses were received to the statutory consultation and all were in support of the proposal. Copies of the notes of consultation meetings which took place on 16 December 2009 and 12 January 2010 were available at the meeting together with notes on each of the pre-statutory meetings and responses received to the consultation.


            Reason(s) for Decision


To provide more choice and diversity and retain pupils within the Borough.


Alternative Options Considered and Rejected


            Not applicable.


Implementation Date


31 August 2010


RESOLVED: That Proposals having been published in pursuance of the powers set out in section 15 and Part 2 of the Education and Inspections Act 2006 and The School Organisation (Establishment and Discontinuance of Schools) (England) Regulations 2007 as amended, and having had regard to the statutory guidance and to responses to consultation the following proposals be approved:-


(1)       with effect from 31st August 2010 Halton High School be closed subject to the Secretary of State’s approval for an Academy to replace the school on 1st September 2010;


(2)       all pupils in Halton High at the time of closure on 31st August 2010 transfer to the Academy on 1st September 2010; and


(3)       the capital development of the Academy continues as part of the BSF Programme.             

Meeting: 03/12/2009 - Executive Board (Item 73)

73 Pilot delivery of Children's Health Services from Warrington Road Children's Centre - KEY DECISION pdf icon PDF 30 KB


            The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Children and Young People, on the Pilot Health Visiting Service Partnership Project at Warrington Road Children’s Centre.


            The Board was advised that the DCSF Children’s Trusts guidance (2008) required Local Partners, through inter-agency arrangements, to integrate frontline delivery organised around the child, young person and family, rather than professional boundaries.


The proposed Pilot Project, which would be overseen by the Halton Children’s Trust (PCT’s), would meet five of the essential elements of Children’s Trust arrangements; these were outlined in the report. The project would involve a re-design of the Primary Care Trust’s Halton Health Visiting Service to provide a new geographical approach to service delivery; this would be based at Warrington Road Children’s Centre.

            A Pilot Project Steering Group would be established to agree principal areas of partnership working, and subject to approval, would commence work between January and March 2010. If successful, the PCT would consider rolling out the Health Visiting Service in this format across the Borough.

Reasons for Decision

·        The project had the potential to influence the development of integrated services in Halton that offered support and early intervention for families;


·        The PCT’s aspiration for the future delivery of Universal Health Services was across a children’s centre footprint; and


·        The proposed pilot would test out how this way of working in Halton could be rolled out.

Alternative Options considered and Rejected:

The alternative would mean that the Authority remained working as separate organisations. Given the need to constantly improve efficiency and the safety of children, this needed to change.

Implementation Date:

January to March 2010.



(1)         the report be noted; and


(2)         the Pilot Health Visiting Project at Warrington Road Children’s Centre be supported.