Issue - meetings

Information Governance Policy for the Council

Meeting: 08/04/2010 - Executive Board (Item 117)

117 Corporate Information Governance Handbook and Allied Policies Procedure- KEY DECISION pdf icon PDF 30 KB

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            The Board received a report of the Strategic Director, Corporate and Policy which set out a new policy framework for Information Governance within the Council. Members were advised that the Council had a Corporate Information Governance Group which had met over the last year to produce a user friendly information guidance document. A range of Workshops had been held to develop policies and guidance for areas services which were outlined in the report.


            It was reported that following this work a range of new or revised policy documents had been produced together with the Corporate Information Governance User Handbook (CIGUH) and were appended to the report for consideration.


            It was further noted that following the formal approval of the CIGUH the Handbook with links to the Council’s policy documents embedded in the Handbook, would be available on the intranet and this document would effectively act as the Council Policy for Information Guidance. Various ways on which the CIGUH and allied guidance would be communicated was set out in the report for information.


            RESOLVED: That the new Corporate Information Governance Handbook and Allied Procedures be endorsed.