Issue - meetings

Sustainable Community Strategy 2011-2026

Meeting: 20/04/2011 - Council (Item 11d)

11d Adoption of the Sustainable Community Strategy 2011-2026 KEY DECISION -(Minute EXB 111 refers) pdf icon PDF 38 KB



The Executive Board considered the attached report:-


RECOMMENDED: That Council be recommended to adopt the Sustainable Community Strategy 2011-2026.



Additional documents:

Meeting: 31/03/2011 - Executive Board (Item 111)

111 Adoption of the Sustainable Community Strategy 2011-2026 KEY DECISION pdf icon PDF 38 KB

Additional documents:


            The Board received a report of the Strategic Director, Resources on the adoption of the Sustainable Community Strategy (SCS) 2011-2026.


            The SCS outlines what the Council and Halton Strategic Partnership (the Partnership) intend to do to enhance the quality of life for local communities through enhanced economic, social and environmental activity across the Borough.


The Board was advised that Halton’s existing SCS expired on 31 March 2011. There remained a duty to prepare an SCS (Section 4.1 of Local Government Act 2000) and a wider duty to co-operate to be placed on councils and other local agencies, due to be introduced via the Localism Bill.


The SCS was a long term plan that would guide the Council and the  Partnership over the next 15 years and it was considered important to remain aspirational in outlook. In the short term, the financial climate may constrain the ability to deliver change on the ground. This uncertainty would be dealt with via a separate ‘living’ SCS 5 year delivery plan.


It was noted that the new SCS had been produced through extensive research of baseline data, subsequent analysis, and then policy formulation. This process was followed by wide consultation with Elected Members and partners to identify key themes and related strategic objectives.  This had included reporting on the detail of the emerging strategy to all Policy and Performance Boards during the September 2010 meeting cycle.


Reason(s) For Decision


This decision was required to adhere with statute. Halton’s existing SCS expired on 31 March 2011. There remained a duty to prepare an SCS (Section 4.1 of Local Government Act 2000) and a wider duty to co-operate to be placed on councils and other local agencies,  due to be introduced via the Localism Bill.


Alternative Options Considered And Rejected


A ‘do nothing’ approach had been considered and rejected due to non-conformity with statute. An overriding need existed for the different agencies and service providers operating in Halton to co-operate to deliver workable, long term answers to Halton’s key challenges. The SCS provided the framework for this co-operation.


Implementation Date


The Sustainable Community Strategy would be implemented from April 2011.



RESOLVED: That Council be recommended to adopt the Sustainable Community Strategy 2011-2026.