Issue - meetings

Learning Disability Partnership Board – Annual Self Assessment Report 2010/11

Meeting: 08/11/2011 - Health Policy and Performance Board (Item 33)

33 Learning Disability Partnership Board – Annual Self Assessment Report 2010/11 pdf icon PDF 23 KB

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The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Communities which presented Members with the Valuing People Now: Partnership Board Annual Self Assessment Report 2010-11 and outlined the process involved in its completion.


The Board was further advised that the Partnership Board Annual Self Assessment Report was an optional requirement for all Learning Disability Partnership Boards to complete in order to determine progress on implementing Valuing People Now.


The Board was further advised that in the North West region, local authorities were continuing to support the work of the North West Training and Development Team to promote the rights of people with learning disabilities and share good practice across the region.


It was reported that Halton’s Self Assessment had been completed by relevant officers of the Council and senior managers of NHS Halton & St Helens. In addition, members of the Partnership Board, including senior officers, Elected Members, people with learning disabilities and family carers have had the opportunity to comment on and amend the report prior to its formal sign off by the Co-Chairs, and representatives for family carers and adults with learning disabilities.


In conclusion, it was reported that the self assessment had been submitted to the Learning Disabilities Observatory by the 29th July deadline and a copy was attached as Appendix 1 to the report.


The Board noted that to support the progress of Valuing People Now, commissioning responsibility for non health related services transferred from the PCT to the Council in April 2009.  In addition, from April 2011, the funding for these services had passed directly to the Council as the non-ring fenced Learning Disability Health Reform Specific Grant.  It was also noted that although the funding was not ring fence and efficiency saving would have to be made, the same level of service would have to be provided.


The Board also noted that to improve access to information and to share best practice reports could be published on the Learning Disability Observatory funded by the Department of Health to collect information on the health and care of people with learning disabilities at


RESOLVED: That the report and comments raised be noted.