61 Treasury Management 2011/12: Mid-Year Review (Minute ES51 refers) PDF 50 KB
The Executive Board Sub Committee considered the attached report:-
revised Prudential Indicators and the increase in counterparty limits for
Lloyds/TSB and Royal Bank of
The Executive Board Sub Committee considered a report of the Operational Director, Finance which reviewed activities on the Treasury Management 2011/12 Mid Year Review, in accordance with the Council’s Treasury Management Policy Statement.
As a consequence of delays in the capital
programme and in particular the Mersey Gateway project, more investments were
being held with
That the revised Prudential Indicators
and the increase in counterparty limits for Lloyds/TSB and Royal Bank of
51 Treasury Management 2011/12: Mid-Year Review PDF 49 KB
The Sub-Committee considered a report, which
reviewed activities on Treasury Management for the mid-year point 2011/12 in
accordance with the Council’s Treasury Management Policy Statement.
The mid year
report covered the following:
An economic update for the first six months of 2011/12;
A review of the Treasury Management Strategy Statement and Annual Investment
Capital expenditure (prudential indicators);
A review of the Council’s investment portfolio for 2011/12;
A review of the Council’s borrowing strategy for 2011/12;
A review of any debt rescheduling undertaken during 2011/12;
A review of compliance with Treasury and Prudential Limits for 2011/12.
Members were advised that
as a consequence of delays in the capital programme and in particular the
Mersey Gateway project, more investments were being held with UK backed LloydsTSB and the Royal Bank of Scotland. With potential
further delays likely combined with advance borrowing where beneficial, it was
recommended to increase the counterparty limits of LloydsTSB
and RBS as follows:
Current Revised
<3months >3months <3months >3months
LloydsTSB £20million £15million £30million £20million
RBS £20million £15million £30million £20million
RESOLVED: That Council be
recommended to approve the revised Prudential Indicators and the increase in counterparty
limits for Lloyds/TSB and Royal Bank of