Issue - meetings

Quality Assurance of Commissioned Services

Meeting: 08/11/2011 - Health Policy and Performance Board (Item 36)

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The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Communities which informed Members of the role of the Quality Assurance of Commissioned Services.


The Board was advised that in accordance with its statutory duties Members of the Council carried out Inspections on registered Council establishments.


The Board was further advised that at the present time these visits were conducted by Cllr Mike Hodgkinson and Cllr Pamela Wallace. However, Councillors Ellen Cargill, Stan Parker and Geoff Zygadllo were currently completing an induction to carry out Inspections on Council establishments. In addition, it was reported that Members would be required to undertake a CRB check and training before carrying out inspections.


It was reported that visits to the Council establishment Oak Meadow, Peelhouse Lane, Widnes were conducted on a monthly basis.  The majority of health, social care and support services were commissioned through the independent sector and there was no statutory requirement for Members to visit services provided by the independent sector.


Furthermore, it was highlighted that the Residential Care Homes and Domiciliary Care Agencies were registered with CQC, the statutory body charged with regulation of registered residential and nursing care services. However, it was the responsibility of the Communities Directorate to commission local services and a significant part of that role was the quality assurance of services delivered within the Authority.


The report set out the role of Halton’s Quality Assurance Team and highlighted that in Halton there are currently 201 commissioned services across Adult Social Care, including 29 registered Residential Care Homes, 12 Registered Domiciliary Care Providers and 58 registered Supported Living services, 7 registered Adult Placements, 2 registered Respite Services and 1 Community Enablement Service. 


It was also reported that the Quality Assurance Team used  a wide range of quantitative information and qualitative feedback to assess the quality of local services. During the period April 2010 to March 2011, the Quality Assurance Team (4 officers) had carried out 161 inspection visits.  Appendix 1 to the report, illustrated the assessment of the overall quality rating for services in Quarter 2, 2010/11 (July - September).  The majority of commissioned services were providing good or excellent quality care (Green) to Halton residents.


The Chairman of the Board welcomed the report and reported that Councillor Wright had a list of volunteers who would undergo a CRB check and then receive appropriate training. 


The Board noted that if there were any concerns about an establishment, immediate action was taken and this could result in a suspension of new placements until improvements were made. This could result in the establishment being on an amber rating longer than the CQC, as the Quality Assurance Team retained the amber rating until they were satisfied that the improvements could be sustained.


The Members of the Board were reassured by the robust procedures and excellent work undertaken by the Quality Assurance Team in ensuring establishments and services provided were safe for residents of the Borough.


It was suggested that when contracts were established they contained  ...  view the full minutes text for item 36