79 Upton Rocks- KEY DECISION PDF 22 KB
The Board
considered a report of the Strategic Director, Children and
The Board
was advised that land at Upton Rocks had been reserved for a number of years
for the development of a new school, should it have been needed. In
Members noted that there was no additional need for a school to be developed in Widnes, as sufficient capacity would be achieved, which included anticipated increases predicted to peak by 2015, and considered the request to release the site for development.
Reason(s) for Decision
The report seeks
permission to release the reserved Primary school site to allow further
development and improved access.
Alternative Options Considered and Rejected
Consideration was
given to retaining the reserved site. However Primary pupil numbers were
insufficient to justify any new development.
Implementation Date
The proposed release date was January 2012.
RESOLVED: That the reserved school site at Upton Rocks be released.