Issue - meetings

Amalgamation of Pupil Referral Units - Consultation feedback

Meeting: 27/06/2013 - Executive Board (Item 23)

23 Amalgamation of Pupil Referral Units - Consultation feedback - KEY DECISION pdf icon PDF 76 KB


The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Children and Enterprise, which provided consultation feedback on the proposed amalgamation of Pupil Referral Units at The Bridge School and Key Stage 4 Gateway.


The Board was reminded that, at its meeting on 28 March 2013, it was agreed that a consultation would be undertaken to amalgamate The Bridge School Pupil Referral Unit and Key Stage 4 Gateway Pupil Referral Unit by bringing existing Key Stage 4 staff and provision under the leadership of The Bridge School.


Consultation commenced on 15 April 2013 and 34 responses were received. A breakdown of the respondents was provided in the report with a full record of the comments received attached at Appendix A. It was noted that a total of 23 respondents agreed with the proposal to amalgamate. The report provided a detailed explanation of the issues raised by those that did not support the proposal for Members’ consideration.


Reason(s) for Decision


The implications of the School Funding reform on PRUs and the current vacancies at the Key Stage 4 Gateway provided an opportunity to achieve greater consistency and better value for money by amalgamating both PRUs.


Alternative Options Considered and Rejected


Maintaining two PRUs but putting in place one leadership structure across both PRUs – this was rejected as whilst remaining as two PRUs, there were limited cost efficiencies to be achieved, e.g. each PRU would have to purchase their own Service Level Agreements.


Implementation Date


1 September 2013.


RESOLVED: That the Board approve the amalgamation of The Bridge School and Key Stage 4 Gateway by:


1)    extending the age range of The Bridge School from accepting 11-14 year olds to accepting 11 -16 year olds from 1 September 2013;


2)    bringing existing Key Stage 4 Gateway staff, pupils and provision under the leadership of The Bridge School with effect from 1 September 2013; and


3)    ceasing the Key Stage 4 Gateway Pupil Referral Unit as a distinct unit from 31 August 2013.