Issue - meetings

2013-14 quarter 1 Spending

Meeting: 16/10/2013 - Council (Item 41)

41 2013/14 Revised Capital Programme (Minute EXB 63 refers) pdf icon PDF 60 KB


Executive Board considered a report of the Operational Director, Finance, which summarised the overall revenue and capital spending position as at 30th June 2013.


RECOMMENDED: That the revisions to the Council’s 2013/14 capital programme set out in paragraph 3.2 below, be approved.





          Executive Board considered a report of the Operational Director, Finance, which sought approval to a number of revisions to the Council’s 2013/14 Capital programme.


RESOLVED: That Council approve the revisions to the Council’s 2013/14 Capital Programme as set out in paragraph 3.2 of the report.


Meeting: 05/09/2013 - Executive Board (Item 63)

63 2013-14 quarter 1 Spending pdf icon PDF 176 KB


The Board considered a report of the Operational Director, Finance, which summarised the overall revenue and capital spending position as at 30th June 2013.


          In overall terms, revenue expenditure was £0.364m below the budget profile, however, this was only a guide to eventual spending. It was noted that spending on employees was £155,000 below the budget profile at the end of the quarter.


Members were advised that the economic downturn continued to affect budgeted income targets. A number of income budgets were below their profile including industrial estate rents, catering sales and fees and charges on leisure and recreation services.


 With regard to capital spending, it was reported that spending to the 30th June 2013 totalled £12.3m, which was 99% of the planned spending of £12.4m at this stage. However, this represented 23% of the total capital programme of £53.6m (which assumed a 20% slippage between years).


The Council’s Balance Sheet was monitored regularly in accordance with the Reserves and Balances Strategy which formed part of the Medium Term Financial Strategy. The key reserves and balances had been reviewed and were considered prudent and appropriate at this stage in the financial year.


It was noted that, from 1 April 2013, Halton Borough Council and the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) had agreed to pool their resources, due to the increased challenges for the Health and Social Care economy in Halton.  This would result in the alignment of systems, more effective and efficient joint working, improved pathways, the speeding up of discharge processes and would set the scene for the future sustainability of meeting the current and future needs of people with complex needs.




1)    all spending continues to be limited to the absolutely essential;


2)    Strategic Directors ensure overall spending at year-end is within their total operational budget; and


3)    Council approve the revised capital programme, as set out in Appendix 3 attached to the report.