Issue - meetings

Further Development of Sci-Tech Daresbury

Meeting: 11/12/2013 - Council (Item 56)

56 Further Development of Sci-Tech Daresbury - Key decision (Minute EXB 103 refers) pdf icon PDF 33 KB

Executive Board considered a report and presentation of the Chief Executive which updated Members on the proposed arrangements to fund the future development of Sci-Tech, Daresbury.





1)    the proposals for the future development of Sci-Tech Daresbury be noted;


2)    Council be asked to approve the inclusion of Project Tech Space in the Council’s Capital Programme, to be funded as set out in the Threshold Report;


3)    authority be given for the Council to enter into the legal and funding agreements with the Joint Venture Partners for the delivery of the projects; and


4)    agree to the Council entering into the financial arrangements to deliver the projects.








Executive Board had considered a report and presentation of the Chief Executive which updated Members on the proposed arrangements to fund the future development of Sci-Tech, Daresbury.





1)    the proposals for the future development of Sci-Tech Daresbury be noted;


2)    Council approve the inclusion of Project Tech Space in the Council’s Capital Programme, to be funded as set out in the Threshold Report;


3)    authority be given for the Council to enter into the legal and funding agreements with the Joint Venture Partners for the delivery of the projects; and


4)    agree to the Council entering into the financial arrangements to deliver the projects.


Meeting: 07/11/2013 - Executive Board (Item 103)

103 Further Development of Sci-Tech Daresbury - Key decision pdf icon PDF 33 KB


The Board considered a report of the Chief Executive which updated Members on the proposed arrangements to fund the future development of Sci-Tech, Daresbury.  The Chief Executive also delivered a presentation on the future development at the site.


It was reported that Sci-Tech Daresbury was a key strategic site as an international hub for world class science. Part of the site became an Enterprise Zone in August 2011. Members were advised that the Daresbury Joint Venture (JV) Partnership had secured £7.36m of Regional Growth Fund (RGF) grant aid. It was noted that the JV Board had agreed four projects, as detailed in the report, and which were:-


·       Project Tech Space;

·       Power (Phase 1);

·       Connectivity/Environmental Improvements; and

·       Transport Improvements.

In addition, two medium term priorities had been identified which would be the subject of further investigation; these were improving Broadband access to the site and creating a loop road within the Sci-Tech development.


Reason(s) For Decision


To provide the legal and financial arrangements to deliver at Sci-Tech Daresbury:-


·       The four Projects mentioned in the report;

·       £30 million investment;

·       New business opportunities; and

·       To create 827+ new jobs.

Alternative Options Considered and Rejected




Implementation Date


As set out in the timetable in the Threshold Report.




1)    the proposals for the future development of Sci-Tech Daresbury be noted;


2)    Council be asked to approve the inclusion of Project Tech Space in the Council’s Capital Programme, to be funded as set out in the Threshold Report;


3)    authority be given for the Council to enter into the legal and funding agreements with the Joint Venture Partners for the delivery of the projects; and


4)    the Board agrees to the Council entering into the financial arrangements to deliver the projects.