111 Safer Halton Partnership Drug Strategy - KEY DECISION PDF 21 KB
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The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Communities, on
the Safer Halton Partnership Drug Strategy 2014-18 (the Strategy).
The Board was advised that the National Drug Strategy 2010 changed the
focus of drug service delivery. The Substance Misuse Service was a partnership
approach which improved the outcomes for individuals and families affected by
drug misuse problems. In addition, it aimed to reduce the impact of drug
related crime and anti-social behaviour for Halton communities.
It was noted that the Strategy, attached
at Appendix A, had been extensively consulted upon with a range of partner
agencies, service users, carer groups and voluntary agencies. It focused on the
strategic objectives and priorities which linked to a drugs service action plan
which would become the focus of the Substance Misuse task group, reporting
quarterly to the Safer Halton Partnership Board. A supporting evidence paper,
attached at Appendix B, set out the context in which the Strategy had been
developed. The vision, objectives and priorities for the Strategy were detailed
in the report.
Reason(s) For
To ensure that
Halton continued to meet the requirements of the National Drug Agenda, to
ensure effective prevention and treatment service were delivered locally to
tackle the issues associated with drug misuse and the impact on individuals,
families and communities in Halton.
Options Considered and Rejected
Other approaches to
the drug strategy had been considered, including a Local Authority only
strategy. It was clear that drug misuse impacted on all areas of society and a
joint approach to the drug strategy was the most appropriate way to co-ordinate
all partners’ responses to address the identified areas.
January 2014.
RESOLVED: That the contents of the report
and the Boards’ comments be noted.