Issue - meetings

Enterprise Game

Meeting: 27/02/2014 - Executive Board (Item 161)

161 The Enterprise Game - KEY DECISION


The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Children and Enterprise, which updated them on progress on The Enterprise Game Business Plan.


The Board was advised that The Enterprise Game was an educational resource which assisted educational professionals in the teaching and training of employability, business and enterprise, and also supported and enriched a number of other areas within the national curriculum.


In January 2012, The Enterprise Game Business Plan agreed a rigorous procurement period to identify suppliers that could redesign, manufacture, store and distribute the product. The report set out the details of a proposed reseller agreement for Members’ consideration.


Reason(s) For Decision


To continue with the implementation of The Enterprise Game Business Plan and generate income for Halton Borough Council to contribute to Council savings.


Alternative Options Considered and Rejected


The Enterprise Game Steering Group considered using internal Borough Council services to deliver the sales and marketing aspects of The Enterprise Game Business Plan. This option was rejected as it would result in significant costs to the Council in relation to the recruitment of a dedicated sales officer, time spent on website development, development and running of a web based shop, storage, packaging and distribution, marketing and attending promotional events.


Implementation Date


1 April 2014.


RESOLVED: That Halton Borough Council enter into a reseller agreement with the company named in the report, to progress The Enterprise Game Business Plan from April 2014.