Issue - meetings

Strategic Commissioning Statement for 14-19 education and training

Meeting: 27/03/2014 - Executive Board (Item 175)

175 Strategic Commissioning Statement for 14-19 education and training - KEY DECISION pdf icon PDF 34 KB

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The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Children and Enterprise, which sought approval for the 14-19 Strategic Commissioning Statement (the Statement) for 2014/15.


The Board was advised that adoption of the Statement would enable the Borough Council to fulfil its statutory duty to secure sufficient suitable education and training provision to meet the reasonable needs of all young people in the Borough.


The report detailed the five key priority areas for the Borough. It was noted that these priorities and supporting evidence had been consulted on with partners in specific task groups, and ratified by the 11-19 Strategic Partnership and Children’s Trust Commissioning Partnership. The Statement was coherent with the purpose of positive activities for young people supporting them in their health, lifestyle and career aspirations, which would enable them to achieve their full potential in their transition to adulthood.


Reason(s) For Decision


To ratify the 14-19 Strategic Commissioning Statement for 2014/15 to ensure that Halton Borough Council fulfilled its statutory duties under Sections 15ZA and 19A of the Education Act 1996 (as inserted by the Apprenticeship, Skills, Children and Learning Act 2009), to secure sufficient suitable education and training provision to meet the reasonable needs of all young people in the Borough and to make available to young people support that would encourage, enable or assist them to participate in education or training (Section 68, Education and Skills Act 2008).


Alternative Options Considered and Rejected


This was not applicable; the 14-19 Strategic Commissioning Statement provided information about Halton’s priorities to meet its statutory duties.


Implementation Date


With immediate effect following the meeting of Executive Board.


RESOLVED: That the 14-19 Strategic Commissioning Statement 2014/15 be ratified in order to fulfil Halton Borough Council’s statutory duty.