Issue - meetings

Youth Employment Gateway

Meeting: 18/09/2014 - Executive Board (Item 64)

64 Youth Employment Gateway - KEY DECISION pdf icon PDF 24 KB

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The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Children and Enterprise, on the Youth Employment Gateway Programme (the Programme).


            The Board was advised that the Liverpool City Region (LCR) had secured £5.9 m of Government investment to deliver a programme to reduce youth unemployment across the LCR over the next three years. Each local authority had been allocated a sum to deliver the scheme in their respective area, as set out in table 1.


            It was reported that the Programme aimed to support young people aged 18-24 years that had been unemployed for between 2 and 9 months. A detailed explanation of how the Programme would work was contained in Appendix 1. Members noted that Appendix 2 outlined how young people would be referred to the Programme and how the local authority would contribute to it. The Programme afforded an opportunity to provide young people with a coherent support package to help them into sustained work.


Reason(s) For Decision

Youth Employment Gateway would assist young people in Halton to find employment or training aimed at supporting their future career prospects.

Alternative Options Considered and Rejected

One option that the Council could consider was to tender for a training provider to undertake the management and delivery of the Programme in Halton. However, it was felt that many of the functions required to deliver the Programme in Halton could be fulfilled through slight adjustments to existing structures within the Council’s Employment, Learning and Skills division. In addition, going out to tender would delay the implementation of the Programme.

Implementation Date

1 October 2014.




1)    the offer of Youth Employment Gateway Funding be accepted;


2)    delegated authority be given to the Operational Director, Economy, Enterprise and Property, in consultation with the Portfolio holder for Economic Development, to accept the contract/offer letter; and


3)    the use of Youth Employment Gateway funding be authorised to develop an employment support programme in Halton