Issue - meetings

Traveller Update

Meeting: 10/12/2014 - Council (Item 52)

Warrington Road Traveller Site (Minute EXB 103 refers)

Executive Board considered the attached report.




1)    Note the revised scheme costings, set out in Section 5 of the report, subject to formally agreeing the required additional funding contributions from the Homes and Communities Agency, and a developer’s planning obligation (S106) contribution;


2)    increase the estimated amount of the new permanent Warrington Road site within the Council’s Capital Programme, in line with the final estimated cost identified following the value engineering process; and


3)    granted delegated authority to the Strategic Director, Policy and Resources, in consultation with the Portfolio holder for Physical Environment, to consider how any residual gap in funding might be met.


          Executive Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Policy and Resources, which provided an update on the delivery of the new permanent Traveller site at Warrington Road.


          RESOLVED: That



1)    the revised scheme costings, set out in Section 5 of the report be agreed, subject to formally agreeing the required additional funding contributions from the Homes and Communities Agency, and a developer’s planning obligation (S106) contribution;


2)    the estimated amount of the new permanent Warrington Road site within the Council’s Capital Programme be increased, in line with the final estimated cost identified following the value engineering process; and


3)    the Strategic Director, Policy and Resources, be granted delegated authority, in consultation with the Portfolio holder for Physical Environment, to consider how any residual gap in funding might be met.


Meeting: 20/11/2014 - Executive Board (Item 103)

Warrington Road Traveller Site


The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Policy and Resources, which provided an update on the delivery of the new permanent Traveller site at Warrington Road.


The Board was advised that the site was needed to meet imposed national targets for the provision of Traveller pitches. It was reported that the site was critical to the future active management of Traveller accommodation and the control of unauthorised development.




1)    the revised scheme costings, set out in Section 5 of the report be agreed, subject to formally agreeing the required additional funding contributions from the Homes and Communities Agency, and a developer’s planning obligation (S106) contribution;


2)    Council be recommended to increase the estimated amount of the new permanent Warrington Road site within the Council’s Capital Programme, in line with the final estimated cost identified following the value engineering process; and


3)    the Strategic Director, Policy and Resources, be granted delegated authority, in consultation with the Portfolio holder for Physical Environment, to consider how any residual gap in funding might be met.