Issue - meetings

The Procurement of a Specialist Community Substance Misuse Service for Halton

Meeting: 03/09/2015 - Executive Board (Item 27)

27 The Procurement of a Specialist Community Substance Misuse Service for Halton -KEY DECISION pdf icon PDF 39 KB


                          The Board considered a report of the Director of Public Health, which sought approval to commence a tender exercise to procure a Specialist Substance Misuse Service for Halton (Adults).


          The Board was advised that Halton Borough Council was responsible for commissioning services to support local people with substance (drugs and alcohol) misuse problems. The service contributed to the aim of promoting the health and wellbeing of all service users and their families and the reduction of alcohol-related harm in the Borough.


          It was reported that the current contract was due to end on 31 March 2016, with no option to extend. Over the past two years, commissioners had worked with the existing provider to identify efficiencies in operational delivery costs. The tender exercise would enable further efficiencies to be realised.


Reason(s) for Decision


To ensure business continuity and maintain support and care for service users accessing community based misuse services.


Alternative Options Considered and Rejected


To issue a Direct Award for a limited period to the current provider. This did not provide a stable environment for the service area, impacting on performance and service delivery to service users.


Implementation Date


The procurement process would commence from September 2015 with a contract commencement date of 1 April 2016.


          RESOLVED: That the proposal to tender for a Specialist Community Substance Misuse Service for Halton be approved.