Issue - meetings

Basic Need Capital Funding

Meeting: 15/07/2015 - Council (Item 22)

22 Basic Need Capital Funding - KEY DECISION (Minute EXB 13 refers) pdf icon PDF 23 KB

Executive Board considered the attached report.


RECOMMENDED: That Council be recommended to approve the Basic Need Capital Funding.


Executive Board had considered the attached report of the Strategic Director, Children and the Economy, on Basic Need Capital Funding.


RESOLVED: That the allocation and spending on Basic Need Capital Funding be approved.


Meeting: 02/07/2015 - Executive Board (Item 13)

13 Basic Need Capital Funding - KEY DECISION pdf icon PDF 23 KB


The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Children and the Economy, which provided an update for the allocation and spending of Basic Need Capital Funding.


The Board was advised that the Basic Need allocation supported the capital requirement for providing new pupil places by expanding existing maintained schools, free schools or academies and by establishing new schools. Halton used pupil forecast data to determine the need to provide additional school places in order to meet demand. Basic Need capital funding had been used to carry out building works to provide additional school places at a number of primary schools listed in the report, to alleviate pressure for demand for school places in those areas. In addition, Basic Need funding had been used to provide vocational, 6th form and independent living facilities at Ashley School following the re-designation of the school.


It was reported that an extension for one additional classroom at Hale C.E. Primary School, would be funded by Basic Need capital funding, to alleviate the shortage of classroom space at the school by 2017. The balance of Basic Need capital funding would be retained to respond to any pupil place planning/demographic issues arising in either the primary or secondary sectors.


Reason(s) for Decision


The decision was required to deliver and implement the capital programme.


Alternative Options Considered and Rejected


Not applicable.


Implementation Date


July 2015 following agreement of full Council.




1)    The proposal to allocate Basic Need capital funding to Hale CE Primary School project be approved;


2)    The position in respect of the balance of Basic Need capital funding be noted; and


3)    Council be recommended to approve the Basic Need capital funding.