46 Proposal to Re-profile the Dedicated School Grant - KEY DECISION PDF 85 KB
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The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, People and
Economy, on proposals to re-profile the Dedicated School Grant (DSG).
The Board was advised that the DSG was allocated annually based on the number
of primary and secondary pupils, those in early years provision and those in
receipt of high needs provision. This was then allocated to mainstream schools
and academies in Halton using the funding formula calculated
by the Local Authority Finance Team. It was noted that the estimated amount of
grant for 2016/17 would be £101,572,789.
The report set out a summary of the funding challenges in balancing the
DSG and the proposals to address the funding gap so as to ensure a sustainable
and balanced DSG. The Budget Options for Special Schools Funding, Options A and
B were detailed for Members’ consideration. It was further noted that
permission was sought to consult the Schools Forum on the proposals to
re-profile the DSG funding for 2016/17 and 2017/18.
Reason(s) for
To ensure that
there was a fair distribution of resources across the DSG and that the DSG was
profiled so that its budget commitments were sustainable.
Options Considered and Rejected
Consideration was
given to reducing schools budget by £1.8m to balance the budget in 2016/17, however, the minimum funding guarantee would cap any
reductions to 1.5%, i.e. approximately £863,000.
1 April 2016.
the proposal to consult with the Schools
Forum on the proposal to re-profile the DSG funding for 2016/17 and 2017/18 be
Option B be supported;
the proposal to review and revise the top up funding
for special schools within the Borough, to bring the funding in line with the
available budget be supported; and
further report on the outcome of the consultations be brought to a future
meeting of Executive Board.