Issue - meetings

Children & Families

Meeting: 22/02/2016 - Children Young People and Families Policy and Performance Board (Item 47)

47 Children & Families pdf icon PDF 226 KB

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The Board received a report from the Strategic Director, People and Economy, which provided a profile of the Children in Care (CIC) population.


Members were advised that the Children in Care Partnership Board was chaired by the Lead Member for Children and Families.  This was a multi-agency group with representation from the Children in Care Council which oversaw the quality of service and service development for children in care. 


Attached to the report were the following documents:


·       Appendix 1 was the profile information at quarter 3 of 2015-16 for Children in Care;

·       Appendix 2 was the Annual report on the health of children in care provided by Bridgewater Community Health Care Trust; and

·       Appendix 3 was the profile information for children who left care before they were 21 (25 if they had additional needs).


Members noted the key points from the documents, as detailed in the report and discussed the following:


·       The changing profile of CIC to younger children 0 – 4 years;

·       The stabilising of the CIC population to 236 presently;

·       The difficulties in fostering older children and sibling groups;

·       The increase in adoption rates over the past 12 months and the upcoming changes to Adoption legislation;

·       The possibility of Care Leavers being role models for others in care; and

·       The constant need for foster carers.


RESOLVED:  That the Policy and Performance Board notes the report.