Issue - meetings

Budget Reductions

Meeting: 22/02/2016 - Children Young People and Families Policy and Performance Board (Item 48)

48 Budget Reductions pdf icon PDF 200 KB


The Board received a presentation on the impact of the reductions to Children’s Services Budgets in 2016-17.


It was reported that a reduction of almost £1.5 million had been made across 3 areas namely: staffing; supplies and services; and commissioned services.


Members raised their concerns for the coming years if the reductions to funding were to continue, especially for services within adult social care and children’s social care.  Officers advised that adult and children’s social care would always be a priority for the Council and that officers were constantly looking at other ways of doing business to help meet budget demands.  It was noted that the Council was presently working very effectively with partners and was looking to increase partnership arrangements in the future.  An example of this was the Youth Offending Team (YOT) which now functioned using a shared service between Halton, Cheshire West and Chester, and Warrington and was soon to be joined by Cheshire East Council.


RESOLVED:  That the Board notes the reductions and considers the impact on services for Children and Families.