Issue - meetings

Academies Update

Meeting: 24/03/2016 - Executive Board (Item 132)

132 Academies Update - KEY DECISION pdf icon PDF 326 KB


The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, People and Economy, which provided a brief from the Scrutiny Topic Work undertaken by the Children, Young People and Families Policy and Performance Board, on “How we work with our family of schools”.


Members were advised that the Scrutiny Group held four meetings between December 2014 and September 2015, in which they considered the role of the Local Authority (LA) in all schools, including its relationship with Academies. The Group considered whether there should be a differentiated approach between officer roles, service provision and charges for maintained schools and Academies.


Councillor Dennett, Chairman of the Children, Young People and Families Policy and Performance Board attended the meeting to present the report. The recommendations that emerged from the process were noted as follows:


That, to ensure that the LA can share information and provide a level of influence across all schools:


·       All schools should receive the e-circular;

·       All Head Teachers and Principals to be invited to the Head Teacher meetings with the Director;

·       Consideration be given to the charges that were currently levied to Academies for access to Council Services, charged at full cost recovery only; and

·       Officers continue to promote partnership working, encouraging Academies to work with the Council, including the purchase of services through HBC Service Level Agreements.


Councillor Dennett dealt with Members’ questions before being thanked for his attendance.


Reason(s) for Decision


Working in partnership with all the schools across Halton would provide a more coherent, consistent offer for children and young people and the Borough.


Alternative Options Considered and Rejected


It was not considered appropriate to treat Academies and the Free School differently as the Halton offer could only be strengthened by all schools and the local authority working together.


Implementation Date


April 2016.





1)    the work undertaken by the Scrutiny Topic Group be noted; and


2)    the recommendations of the Children, Young People and Families Policy and Performance Board be approved.