Issue - meetings

Recognising, Valuing & Supporting Carers in Halton; Joint Carers Strategy 2016 – 2019

Meeting: 15/09/2016 - Executive Board (Item 29)

29 Recognising, Valuing & Supporting Carers in Halton; Joint Carers Strategy 2016/ 2019 - KEY DECISION pdf icon PDF 230 KB

Additional documents:


The Board considered a report of the Director of Adult Social Services, on the Joint Carers Strategy 2016/19 (the Strategy).


The Board was advised that the National Carers Strategy, refreshed by the Coalition Government in 2010, had four priority areas. Halton’s Strategy had been developed to take into consideration the following:-


·       National and local priorities for carers;

·       Statutory responsibilities and good practice guidance;

·       A framework for the continued development of services for carers in Halton; and

·       Proposed actions to deliver the strategy over the next three years.

It was noted that the Strategy proposed a model of support for carers based around four key components, as detailed in the report. The body that would be responsible for the delivery of the Strategy in Halton would be the Carers Strategy Group, membership of which was drawn from carers that used the services as well as key delivery partners.


Reason(s) for Decision


The delivery of the Strategy would ensure that both the Local Authority and NHS Halton CCG met their statutory duties under the Care Act.


Alternative Options Considered and Rejected


None identified.


Implementation Date


The Strategy would be implemented following approval by Executive Board.


RESOLVED: That Recognising, Valuing and Supporting Carers in Halton: Joint Carers Strategy 2016/19, be approved.