Issue - meetings

National Funding Formula and High Needs Funding

Meeting: 12/06/2017 - Children Young People and Families Policy and Performance Board (Item 7)

7 National Funding Formula and High Needs Funding pdf icon PDF 196 KB


Members received a presentation that provided an overview of the changes proposed through the introduction of a National Funding Formula (NFF) and revised approach to funding High Needs.


It was reported that the Department for Education (DfE) had undertaken a two phase consultation on the introduction of a NFF and High Needs Funding.  For the NFF to assist with the consultation, the DFE produced indicative budgets illustrating the estimated change to each schools individual budget in 2018/2019 and 2019/20.  These illustrations showed that all Halton’s secondary schools would lose funding and there would be a reduction in funding for 3 small primary schools.  Concerns were raised over the impact that these losses would have over these schools and the communities that they served.


The presentation also discussed the current funding position in Halton and the future funding levels for the UK proposed by the Government.  The High Needs Block and its funding factors were also discussed with Members and the fact that the costs of high needs in Halton were rising year on year as more schools were identifying children with special educational needs.


RESOLVED:  Members receive a further update once the funding changes had been confirmed.