21 Update on Developments in Halton Adult Mental Health Services PDF 245 KB
The Board considered a report of the Director of Adult Social Services, which provided an update on some of the changes to service delivery that had been taking place in Halton in the past two years with regard to Halton Adult Mental Services. In 2015 a whole-scale review of the way in which mental health services were delivered across the footprint of the 5Boroughs Partnership NHS Trust was commissioned by the combined Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCG’s) covering Halton, St. Helens, Knowsley, Warrington and Wigan.
The Board was advised that the review produced a set of recommendations covering five key areas and these themes and recommendations that came from them were largely accepted by the CCGs and their partner agencies. Consequently, work streams were set up to put the recommendations into place. In Halton it was reported that the following developments had taken place in mental health services during the past two years:-
· work had taken place locally to implement recommendations of the report in a way which created positive change for the people of Halton. The NHS Halton CCG, supported strongly by the Council, had led Task and Finish Groups with all key partners to establish clear, care pathways through the mental health system;
· within the North West Boroughs NHS Trust, there had been considerable local redesign;
· there had been some changes to the delivery of Social Care Services for people with mental health problems in the Borough; and
· the use of the Mental Health Resource Centre in Vine Street, Widnes had been redesigned;
· the Mental Health Outreach Team had been redesigned and positive results were being reported.
RESOLVED: That the report be noted.