Issue - meetings

CQC Local System Review of Health and Social Care in Halton

Meeting: 17/01/2018 - Health and Wellbeing Board (Item 22)

22 CQC Local System Review of Health and Social Care in Halton pdf icon PDF 213 KB

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            The Board considered a report of the Director of Adult Social Services, which provided an update on the Care and Quality Commission (CQC), Local System Review (LSR) of Health and Social Care in Halton. The review took place in August 2017 and examined how people moved between health and social care, including delayed transfers of care, with a particular focus on people of 65 years old in Halton. The review included an assessment of commission across the interface of health and social care and of the governance systems and processes in place in respect of management resources. Although the review did not include  mental health services or specialist commissioning specifically, they did look at the experiences of people living with dementia.


            Members noted that the final report from the CQC was published on 12th October following a Quality Summit which took place at the Stadium on the 11th October, which was attended by representatives from across partner agencies. The summary of the findings of the CGC review were set out in the report, together with the areas identified by CQC where they felt improvements could be made. As a system, Halton was required to submit a system-wide action plan to CQC by 9th November. Consequently, working collaboratively across our statutory partners and with support from Social Care Institute for Excellence, an associated Action Plan was developed in response to the issues highlighted within the report.


            It was reported that progress against the actions outlined in the Action Plan would be monitored over the next few months by the Health and Wellbeing Board and Halton Borough Council’s Management Team.


            RESOLVED: That the report and associated appendices be noted.