Issue - meetings

Persons/People in a Position of Trust (PiPOT)

Meeting: 04/07/2018 - Health and Wellbeing Board (Item 5)

5 Persons/People in a Position of Trust (PiPOT) pdf icon PDF 204 KB

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            The Board considered a report of the Director of Adult Social Services, which advised that The Care Act 2014 required that partner agencies and their commissioners of services should have clear recordings and information sharing guidance, set explicit time timescales for action and were aware of the need to preserve evidence. The North West Policy for managing concerns around people in positions of trust with adults who have care and support needs, had been previously circulated to Members of the Board and built upon existing relevant statutory provision. The document provided an overarching policy for the North West region and was ratified by the North West ADASS Regional Safeguarding Group.


            RESOLVED: That the policy be noted and adopted.