23 Chair of the Safeguarding Adults Board PDF 112 KB
The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, People, on the
recent resignation of the independent Chair of the Safeguarding Adults Board
The Board was advised that The
Care Act 2014 required each local authority area to establish a SAB, the main
objective of which was to assure itself that local safeguarding arrangements
and partners acted to help protect adults in its area. The SAB provided an
oversight on all health and social care services in its locality.
It was reported that the appointment of a Chair was made by the local
authority in consultation with other statutory SAB members. The report set out
the functions of the role, and that it was for the local authority to consider
the appointment of an independent person, although it was noted that this was
not a requirement of The Care Act.
RESOLVED: That Executive Board agree the preferred option as set out in paragraph 5.3 of the report.