Issue - meetings

Post Diagnosis Community Dementia Support

Meeting: 19/09/2019 - Executive Board (Item 22)

22 Post Diagnosis Community Dementia Support - KEY DECISION pdf icon PDF 69 KB

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The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, People, which sought approval for the waiver of Procurement Standing Orders for the continued provision of post diagnosis community dementia support.


The Board was advised that The Alzheimer’s Society was currently commissioned to deliver post diagnosis community support in Halton. They were the largest specialist dementia charity in the UK, with specialist advisors, information resources and services.


It was reported that NHS Halton Operational Operating Committee (OCC) had indicated that they wished to continue to invest in the post diagnosis community support service with some minor modifications to the service specification, which would result in a saving. The Board was therefore advised that as the current contract was due to expire on 30 September 2019, a waiver of Procurement Standing Orders was sought to award the contract from 1 October 2019 with a one year extension option, whilst the proposal for the dementia housing and community hub scheme, detailed in the report, progressed.


Reason(s) For Decision


To continue provision of post diagnosis community dementia support.


Alternative Options Considered and Rejected


Retendering of this contract may result in the Council awarding the contract to another provider which would result in a risk to continuity of care and support to a vulnerable client group. It was preferred to remain with the existing provider to continue to achieve positive outcomes for the existing client base and new clients, through well established relationships that they had with health, social care and the voluntary and community sector. The service staff had a sound knowledge of the population, geography and voluntary and community sectors in Halton and had used this to help people achieve personalised outcomes. The service had worked with North West Boroughs to ensure continued referrals into the service and increase referrals through an ‘opt out’ approach. This had so far proven to be working well.


Implementation Date


1 October 2019.


            RESOLVED: That


1)    the contents of the report be noted; and

2)    a waiver in compliance with Procurement Standing Order 1.14.4 (iv), part 2 and part 3, be approved.