Issue - meetings

Multi Agency Initiatives to tackle Knife Crime

Meeting: 10/09/2019 - Safer Policy and Performance Board (Item 12)

12 Multi Agency Initiatives to tackle Knife Crime pdf icon PDF 71 KB


            The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Enterprise, Community and Resources, which updated the Board on the positive work that key partners were doing in partnership with the Police and Local Authority to make Halton safer. Following recent events in Runcorn, Widnes and trends that were emerging across the country with regard to knife crime and violence against the person by young people, Halton had established a multi agency response to what was becoming a significant concern for our communities. The purpose of this response was to have a better understanding of the current picture in Halton in respect of knife crime and violence against the person, especially that being perpetrated by young people.


            The Board received a presentation from Cheshire Police outlining their response to tackling weapons. Members were advised on:


·         the knife related offence recorded volumes during 2018/19 for the Cheshire Force and Runcorn area;

·         Operation Abolish - Prepare;

·         Operation Abolish – Pursue;

·         Operation Abolish – Prevent;

·         Operation Abolish – Protect;

·         Community knife sweeps; and

·         The work of the Tackling Weapons Working Group.


RESOLVED: The report be noted.