Issue - meetings

Indoor and Built Sport Facilities Strategy

Meeting: 19/09/2019 - Executive Board (Item 34)

34 Indoor and Built Sport Facilities Strategy pdf icon PDF 79 KB

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The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Enterprise, Community and Resources, which presented the draft Indoor and Built Sport Facilities Strategy.


The Board was advised that the Council had commissioned a specialist sport and leisure consultancy to produce an Indoor Sports Facilities Strategy (the Strategy). The Football Association commissioned Knight Kavanagh and Page Ltd (KKP) to manage the process of local engagement, consultation and production of the football plan.


The production of both documents provided the evidence base in respect of Council facilities so that there was a clear strategic approach, a framework for improvement and a clear investment strategy identified in action plans. The documents, which complied with Sport England guidance and would support funding bids, could also be used to inform any modifications or updates to other local authority strategic documents. The draft Strategy, attached to the report, had some indicative figures against some of the actions. However, it was reported that further feasibility work would be required to determine the likely design, scale, scope and cost of each action contained in the plans.




1)    the Strategy be taken forward for adoption by the Council;


2)    the Football Plan be accepted as the document to go to for football facility investment in Halton;


3)    the action plan/priority lists be taken in order of importance;


4)    Officers are delegated to explore potential funding sources to enable investment in facilities to be accurately targeted; and


5)    the plans be updated periodically to ensure they remain up to date and reflective of local needs.